Sunday, October 3, 2010

Visible Progress

Even though the weather hasn't been too cooperative (rainy), our contractor Dave, and his crew Chris, Chase & Tanya have made good progress over the past two weeks.  The garage walls as well as some of the second floor walls are up.  This coming week they will be working to complete the upper portion of the house in order to move forward with the roof trusses and roofing.  The windows are being ordered from Marvin Windows and will be one of the next things done.  Here are several photos taken over the last two weeks:

To the left of the bottom of the stairway is the kitchen, to the right will be the living room.

This photo is taken standing just inside the front door looking into the foyer and the living room.

Mary Lou is standing in the upstairs bathroom window in the above photo.

This is the view of the back corner of the house (window opening is in the master bath above the bathtub).  The beams have been added on the back of the house to support the edge of the roof overhanging the deck/porch behind the living room and the master bedroom.

Here are a couple of close up photos of the pre-insulated panel walls:

 The holes in the end of the panels will allow for any electrical lines to be added into the walls. The panels have pre-drilled channels near the base of each wall as well as about 4 feet up, to allow for electrical lines where any are needed.

This is the view from the back corner of the garage.  There will be a door out the back of the garage onto a concrete slab which will be covered by the overhang of the roof. This will be the perfect spot for the grill and perhaps a small pile of wood in the winter so Herman can fire up the stove in the dining room.

This view is taken a few yards into the woods walking towards the lake, looking back at the house.  The living room and dining room windows have a nice view of the woods and lake.

 As we mentioned previously, our next door neighbors own/operate a tree farm, which has been in their family for over 50 years.  We are fortunate and appreciative that they allow us to walk wherever we like in the forestland they own adjacent to our property.  This is a majestic stand of red pines along the road into our place.  It's like having our own private park!  The neighbors also have many walking trails/ATV trails throughout the other parts of their property. The trails are great for snowshoeing in the winter also.

The fall colors are just past peak here now.  This photo of Shagawa Lake was taken October 2 from our beach.

That's it for now. This coming week the weather is supposed to be more cooperative, which is great.  The next update should have even more visible progress.  Thanks again for viewing our update!

~Mary Lou & Herman

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